47 Quotes About Crazy-people


"Cassidy continued to rub his chest and groaned at Ollie pleadingly. “I don't like it. Make it stop.”“It's just love, sweetie. It won't kill you. I promise.”“Love totally sucks ass!”Ollie shrugged nonchalantly. “Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe you're having a heart attack.”Cassidy glanced back up, hopeful. “You think?”Ollie shook his head. “You're one sick bitch."


"I see freedom in the sky. I think the whole universe should be turned upside down for man to be free."


"To the outside world kinky people like us are always considered crazy. I think we’re actually healthier, of course there’s a few that are nuts but hey those normal people have their psychos too!"


"Your importance can't be measured by the normal things that many others achieved in their lives diplomas, job money... but by the things they cannot , all the impossible dreams and hard getting goals which often called the crazy thoughts can create the true meaning of importance insanity always lead to miracles."


"It seems like it's my night with Becky tonight, she's down in the dumps because of Adam.""The quarterback who wants to bang you?"I shook my head. He knew exactly who Adam was. "Yes, she likes him."He grimaced. "She could have better taste in men.""You want her to go after you instead?"His eyes got wide. "You should encourage those two to date."


"Do I have to talk to insane people?""You're a librarian now. I'm afraid it's mandatory."


"[On a violent encounter with a boyfriend] Before I’ve even blinked, he’s snatched both my wrists, gripping them tightly together whilst dragging me back into the room.[...]I sense utter madness, blind rage and a very practiced hand, and decide with a calmness that is necessary for survival not to make a sound. Not to move a muscle. I go completely limp and acquiesce. You don’t argue with crazy. And I don’t want to give him one tiny reason to beat me to a pulp."


"If insanity was a side effect of Botox, every Floridian over the age of forty would be nuts.” “Who says they're not?"


"You look like a crazy person," Adri said."You look boring and average," Lily replied."
