414 Quotes About Creator
"The best way to create is to create from your heart—create what moves you. Teach the class you’ve always wanted to take, cook the meal you’ve always wanted to try, write the book you’ve always wanted to read. Do it your way. Do it the way that makes your heart sing."
"Independence is counterfeit freedom. We think if we can make all our own choices and do our own thing, we will be free. But the opposite is true. By trying to be independent, we are attempting to take God’s place as the ruler of our lives. We can never succeed at creating happiness because we are the created, not the Creator."
"Because man was created in the image of a creator. Man was created that he might create. It is not a waste of mans time to be creative. It is not a waste to pursue artistic or scientific pursuits in creativity, because this is what man was made to be able to do. He was made in he image of a creator, and given the capacity to create."
"He who has the audacity to stop you from dreaming is he who had given you the imaginations to think, but not those who watch you as you explore the dreams!"
"There was just me and the One who created me, and it was enough."
"Perfectly written isn't human, exact replicas aren't flawless and thinking you have to achieve them all is futile. Seek to write and create what deeply moves you and only then will the words and work you create feel perfectly flawless."
"Every creature is a co-creator."