28 Quotes About Criticisms
"Animals are such agreeable friends―they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms."
"In all spheres of life, there are constraints. You have to develop your own strategy to overcome each constraint."
"A man who is deprived of criticisms is a miserable and a poor man; a man who ignores or refuses or fears criticisms is a foolish man!"
"Never allow the opinions and criticisms of people deter you in the pursuit of your goals."
"It is ironic how those so hungry for an honest opinion are so quickly offended by that honesty. If you are not ready to hear the bad with the good, do not ask."
"Never take any criticism personally...most of the times, it is not about you; it just shows that the other person is unhappy..."
"Power is not to resist the criticisms; power is to seek for something useful to use amongst the criticisms!"
"Many of the criticisms about McDonald's are false. We are keen to provide people with as much nutritional information as possible to help them manage their diets."