464 Quotes About Crowds
- Author B.F. Skinner
The mob rushes in where individuals fear to tread.
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- Author Steve Toltz
...I thought how I hate any kind of mob - I hate mobs of sports fans, mobs of environmental demonstrators, I even hate mobs of super-models, that's how much I hate mobs. I tell you, mankind is bearable only when you get him on his own.
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- Author A.E. Coppard
To be far from the madding crowd is to be mad indeed.
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- Author Jennifer Egan
[I]t may be that a crowd at a particular moment of history creates the object to justify its gathering.
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- Author Richard Calland
For the record, the vuvuzela is not my enemy — and I even have, for reasons of self-defence installed a mini-vuvu with surprisingly powerful performance levels around my neck — though I miss hearing the crescendo of noise from the crowd that should accompany a promising attack on goal or a goal itself. Instead, of course, there is the monotone drone — a constant that belies the ebbs and flows of a game.
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- Author Christopher Hitchens
By the way, if you knew how you sounded when you hissed, you wouldn't do it: you sound like such berks when you do that.
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- Author Titon Rahmawan
I don't like crowds and I don't want to get caught up in them. I prefer to set my own path and discover unique things that others have missed. In that way I found myself.
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- Author Hani Atteya
بداخل القطيع لك أن تنبح و لك أن تتوقف عن النباح ولكن في جميع الأحوال يتحتم عليك أن تهز ذيلك
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- Author E. M. Forster
He told us another day that views are really crowds--crowds of trees and houses and hills--and are bound to resemble each other, like human crowds--and that the power they have over us is sometimes supernatural, for the same reason. […] For a crowd is more than the people who make it up. Something gets added to it--no one knows how--just as something has got added to those hills.
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