3,162 Quotes About Culture

  • Author Peter J. Carroll
  • Quote

    Ideas about a person's place in society, his role, lifestyle, and ego qualities will lose their hold as the cohesive forces in society disintegrate. Subculture values will proliferate to such a bewildering extent that a whole new class of professionals will arise to control them. Such a Transmutation Technology will deal in fashions, in ways of being. Lifestyle consultants will become the new priests of our civilizations. They will be the new magicians.

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  • Author Muhammad Asad
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    The average European or American easily succumbs to the illusion that thecultural experiences of the West are not merely superior but outof all proportion to those of the rest of the world; and thus, thatthe Western way of life is the only valid norm by which otherways of life could be adjudged - implying, of course, that everyintellectual concept, social institution or ethical valuation thatdisagrees with the Western 'norm' belongs ipso to lowergrade of existence.

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  • Author Kurt Andersen
  • Quote

    ...In all this, financialization has done what people back in the 1950s and '60s and '70s worried and warned that the Communists would do if they took over: centralize control of the economy, turn Americans into interchangeable cogs serving an inhumane system, and allow only a well-connected elite to live well. Extreme Capitalism resembles Communism: yet another whopping irony.

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