3,162 Quotes About Culture

  • Author زكي نجيب محمود
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    ماذا نعني عندما نتحدث عما نسميه بثقافتنا القومية ؟إننا لا نعني بهذة العبارة إلا حاصل جمع المعارف والمهارات التى حصلها الأفراد ولو اقتصر كل فرد على نفسه هو ،فيما قد حصله،لكان هنالك أفراد مثقفون ، ولكن ليس هناك ثقافة قومية،فالعالم الخارجي لا يشعر بالوجود الحضاري لأمة من الأمم إلا عن طريق ثقافتها القومية لا عن طريق الثقافات الفردية المتناثرة

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  • Author Pope John Paul I
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    The Republic of Venice used to boast that, in the space of three months, it could know all the events of the Mediterranean. We see the astronauts, from the distance of a few feet, at the very moment they land on the moon. Unfortunately the news almost swamps us with its frequency and abundance. It doesn't give us time to reflect: we are so constantly amazed that gradually we lose our capacity for being surprised at anything, and we don't enjoy even beautiful things.

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  • Author Yuval Noah Harari
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    Die Kultur behauptet gern, sie verbiete „unnatürliche“ Dinge. Aber aus biologischer Sicht ist nichts unnatürlich. Alles was möglich ist, ist definitionsgemäß auch natürlich. Eine unnatürliche Verhaltensweise, die den Gesetzen der Natur widerspricht, kann es gar nicht geben, weshalb es völlig sinnlos ist, sie verbieten zu wollen.

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  • Author David Ai
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    Human culture arises directly from how we overcome the challenges of survival. Some call culture a balance between decadence and celebration. The need for shelter becomes architecture, the rituals of fine cuisine wrought by celebrity chefs. Perhaps the most enduring are the rituals of romance. At its highest expression the artistry of love is the subject of exquisite effort. It is when we are the most human.

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