157 Quotes About Cures

  • Author Colin Bord
  • Quote

    The few cures we have recorded could be multiplied many times over, many of them experienced by people who had failed to find relief through conventional medical treatment. If a story from Scotland is to be believed, the success of one holy well, St. Drostan's at Newdosk (Angus), was so distasteful to the local doctors that they decided to poison the well. When the people heard of their intention, they banded together to attack and kill the doctors!

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  • Author Sjoerd Kuyper
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    Sarebbe anche bello che per papà trovassimo una moglie che tutte le volte che lui vuole bersi un sorso di birra o farsi un tiro di sigaretta, gli dia un bacio. Una che lo voglia far guarire più quanto sappiano fare tutti i dottori del mondo. Non guarire il cuore che è un muscolo che pompa, ma il cuore che è una voce che canta.

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  • Author Nina Post
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    What was it Isak Dinesen had said about salt as a cure? Tears, sweat, or the sea. She could use a cure.

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  • Author Nick Hornby
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    Did you know that Jacques Benveniste, one of the world's leading homeopathic "scientists," now claims that you can *email* homeopathic remedies? Yeah, see, what you do is you can take the "memory" of the diluted substance out of the water electromagnetically, put it on your computer, email it, and play it back on a sound card into new water. I mean, that could work, right? (Nick's thoughts after reading Francis Wheen's book "How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World")

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