2,939 Quotes About Cutting

  • Author Garth Brooks
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    I don't know of too many double Christmas albums, so it is something that's new, and hopefully will be fun, and there's plenty of stuff out there to cut.

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  • Author Gaston Bachelard
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    In scientific thought, the concept functions all the better for being cut off from all background images. In its full exercise, the scientific concept is free from all the delays of its genetic evolution, an evolution which is consequently explained by simple psychology. The virility of knowledge increases with each conquest of the constructive abstraction.

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  • Author Georg Büchner
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    Revolution is like the daughters of Pelias: it cuts humanity to pieces in order to rejuvenate it.

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  • Author George W. Bush
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    I wish they weren't called the 'Bush tax cuts.' If they're called some other body's tax cuts, they're probably less likely to be raised.

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  • Author George W. Bush
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    I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.

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  • Author George W. Bush
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    I cut the taxes on everybody. I didn't cut them. The Congress cut them. I asked them to cut them.

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  • Author Gerard Butler
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    At first it was a bit strange and daunting to have to wear a mask, but afterwards I came to enjoy it. In warm conditions, though, it started to slip off my face. Other times they used this double-sided sticky tape, and I literally couldn't get it off my face. I would feel like I was ripping my face off and I had a lot of cuts and bruises because of it-huge red marks. People might think it was method acting.

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