53 Quotes About Dare-to-dream
"Dare to dream, for in the daring there is defiance to live beyond your circumstances"
"Unlimited opportunities awaits the person who dare to seek."
"Go to where ever dreamland you decide on. But go with passion hand-in-hand. You will never be tired on the way!"
"To be Outstanding is to do the same thing others have done in a different way.But to STAND-OUT is to do what no one has ever done before.Being outstanding is good, but STANDING-OUT is better.So Dream, Explore, Discover, and Stand Out!!!"
"May you have faith to pursue your heavenly visions."
"When the dream and the dreamer synchronize in harmony, that union becomes action which makes success inevitable. Be a dreamer that dreams right."
"Life can be made memorable by daring, trying new things & turning your breakthroughs into gold"
"Dare for a greater life, you will get it."
"We must dare to rise above the obstacles on our path."