2,831 Quotes About Darkness

  • Author Roland Topor
  • Quote

    Lying in bed with his eyes open, he searched the shadows around him, trying to find some steadying, reassuring objects. But the reality was at least as threatening as the nightmares. Having swallowed up all of the familiar shapes of the furniture, the darkness took on the aspect of some unearthly challenge: within this nothingness something monstrous and unknown was surely being spawned. The room had become a kind of breeding ground for monsters.

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  • Author Максим Бутченко
  • Quote

    Столько лет прошло, а он отчетливо помнил, как, уходя поздно вечером из класса, выходил на темную улицу... и думал, что больше половины жизни человек в провинции не видит своей тени из-за сплошной темноты.А ведь в отбрасывании тени сокрыто больше, чем кажется. Если хотите, тень — это способ идентификации себя в мире. А по части самоопределения у многих людей царила такая же тьма, как на неосвещенных улицах провинциального городка.

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  • Author Italo Calvino
  • Quote

    For some time the augurs had been sure that the carpet's harmonious pattern was of divine origin. The oracle was interpreted in this sense, arousing no controversy. But you could, similarly, come to the opposite conclusion: that the true map of the uni-verse is the city of Eudoxia, just as it is, a stain that spreads out shapelessly, with crooked streets, houses that crumble one upon the other amid clouds of dust, fires, screams in the darkness.

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