39 Quotes About Dealing-with-people
"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion."
"Dealing with jackasses on every front today. Good thing I have tiger blood and Adonis DNA. (Charlie Sheen Reference)"
"If someone thinks you’re being dramatic or selfish, then they obviously haven’t walked a mile in your shoes. It’s not important for you to explain yourself. You get a pass here. Don’t let anyone else try to saddle you with guilt or shame. If you need your space, take it."
"When dealing with toxic people always choose distance over disrespect."
"Vagueness is the kingdom of the devil and it is as such on purpose." - On Vagueness"
"I shall not waste any more words on you," she said coldly. "Your mind is too closed to hear them."
"Don't waste time with people who lack the ability to pick up the pace."
"Value caution in all your dealings with strangers."
"Often when something ill is said of a person it is because the speaker is jealous or bitter at them. Question the motive for both good and bad comments.Alicia"