153 Quotes About Dear-superwoman
- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, there is value in knowing yourself. When you know your own weaknesses and strengths, no one can lie to you about you.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, if you have to lose yourself in order to keep it, perhaps it is not worth it.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Guard your heart and your mind. They both carry the power to make you smile or frown.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, guard your heart and your mind. They both carry the power to make you smile or frown.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,You can still dream big and achieve those dreams.It is never too late for you to do great things.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, When some doors close, it is not time to lose hope.It is time to look beyond the horizon and think of better doors on the other side.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Let no one demean your intelligence.Let no one dribble you from your happiness.Let no one derail you from success.Be a smart, courageous and determined woman.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Let no one demean your intelligence.Let no one dribble you from your happiness.Let no one derail you from success. Be a smart, courageous and determined woman.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, It is hard to understand certain things all the time.Not every question will have an answer.So leave what you cannot answer, to the One Above.One day, He will give you the right answer.
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