153 Quotes About Dear-superwoman
- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, you do not need a man to make you complete. You are a complete being, whether there is a man in your life or not.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, you may have gone through the worst, but you are certainly not the worst.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Do not be afraid to start all over again.It is better to start from scratch, than stay where you are constantly hurt.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, Seasons are there for a reason. You may not flourish now,but when it is your season,your cup will overflow.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,If it is the right move, move! Do not fear to move because of detractors. Be focused on the prize until you win.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,If it is the right move, move!Do not fear to move because of detractors.Be focused on the prize until you win.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, help yourself by being yourself.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, Do not be that woman who is too good at pulling another woman down. Be the one who does her best to pull her up.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, your mental health should never be secondary. Nothing is worth keeping, if it primarily steals your inner peace.
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