153 Quotes About Dear-superwoman
- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,You have the right to dream.You also have the right to achieve your big dreams.Believe!
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, you have the right to dream. You also have the right to achieve your big dreams. Believe!
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, Being a woman does not mean you do not have the potential to be great.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Seasons are there for a reason. You may not flourish now,but when it is your season,your cup will overflow.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, It is good to be humble. It is equally good to be proud of who you are and how far you have come.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, You are not a failure.You just happened to fall.You can still rise like never before.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,You are not a failure, you just happened to fall.You can still rise like never before.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,It is hard to understand certain things all the time. Not every question will have an answer. So leave what you cannot answer, to the One Above. One day, He will give you the right answer.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Being alive is an outright miracle. Trust God for many miracles to come.
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