153 Quotes About Dear-superwoman
- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Stop trying to be perfect and pursue excellence.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, When life is not treating you well, do not despair. It shall be well.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,If only you knew how special you are, you wouldn’t treat yourself the way you do.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Take back your power.You are not pointless.You are not helpless.You are not clueless and you are not careless.You just gave your heart to someone who did not realize your worth.Go back, fetch every single thread of your life!Do not settle for less, while God has destined you for greatness.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,If you are not a priority,you are just an option.Options are only selected for the selector’s convenience.Nothing more!
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,You can still dream big and achieve those dreams. It is never too late for you to do great things.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, Even if they count you out, count yourself blessed for being alive. There are countless things you can still achieve.
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman, just because the woman next door has a different accent from yours, it does not mean they have a better access to acumen than you do. Be confident!
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- Author Gift Gugu Mona
Dear Superwoman,Do not let down the warrior in you, by giving up.A Superwoman does not give up. She only let go what does not treat her right.
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