424 Quotes About Death-of-a-loved-one

  • Author Glenn Cameron
  • Quote

    We may try to run away from grief and escape its terrible clutches. Perhaps we immerse ourselves in work or other activities. We busy ourselves and refuse to look back over our shoulder. Grief will follow us. It will hide around the corner so in that moment when our activity lulls, grief will pounce. Grief will never leave until it is defeated.

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  • Author Jim Beaver
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    Pray, hum, and give a ferocious hug to the ones you love most. You never know when you might want that hug with all your soul, and not be able to give it or get it.

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  • Author Nicholas Wolterstorff
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    Rather often I am asked whether the grief remains as intense as when I wrote. The answer is, No. The wound is no longer raw. But it has not disappeared. That is as it should be. If he was worth loving, he is worth grieving over.Grief is existential testimony to the worth of the one loved. That worth abides. So I own my grief. I do not try to put it behind me, to get over it, to forget it… Every lament is a love-song.

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  • Author Jocelyn Soriano
  • Quote

    I walked in the garden of life, caressing soft petals here and there. And lo! After a while they were no more, and my heart bled for each fragrant petal that fell. If every flower withers, never to return to its full blossom, then what good indeed is passing by in the garden of life? Herein lies my hope: That for every flower that withers, another one blooms, one that will remain forever fragrant and fresh, never ever to pass away…

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