65 Quotes About Deliberate


"Majority of excuses are deliberate attempts to keep success far away! Never be impressed by calling attentions that tell you to give up! Insist, Resist and Persist to the end!"


"DIG Deep = "get deliberate, inspired, & going"Deliberate in their thoughts and behaviors through prayer, meditation, or simply by setting intentions;Inspired to make new and different choices;Going. They take action."


"Fast takes longer when you hurry. Keep calm and saunter on."


"I can't see the line between deliberate intention and coincidence."


"Not so much deliberate as, I think, instinctive. There is a right time to go looking. Some do it when they are very young, others take a few years. That's why you should never be pressurised by other people. There's a time for everyone. A lot of things probably come together subconsciously, and we say, 'I'm going to do it now.'"


"By my definition, prayer is consciously hanging out with God. Being with God in a deliberate way."


"They'd like to be more deliberate on offense and they do a good job with that. If we can do what we do, we'll be all right."


"We have not, as a Department of Defense, in a deliberate way institutionally tried to manage our Senior Executive Service members. We have operated in a very decentralized way."
