766 Quotes About Demand

  • Author Paul Blank
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    The question for Wal-Mart should be when will Wal-Mart demand an investigation of itself?

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  • Author Paul Browne
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    We saw more demand in one day last week than we saw for an entire flu season in the previous year.

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  • Author Peter Beutel
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    If demand is not going to fall and keep on falling, then supply moves back into the driver's seat in this market.

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  • Author Rick Barnes
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    We want him to want the ball. He's going to have to demand it. ... The worst thing he can do is be passive this time of year.

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  • Author Sandy Brown
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    It's the highest projection in 27 years. What's happened is the hurricanes, especially Katrina, have increased demand for durable goods and construction materials.

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  • Author Scott Browne
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    Strip away inventories and the government sector, and private-sector demand really wasn't that strong -- private-sector sales were up just 0.8 percent. We're still in a transition phase and not on a sustainable growth path yet.

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  • Author Sepp Blatter
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    What logic, right or economic necessity would qualify a man in his mid-20s to demand to earn in a month a sum that his own father - and the majority of fans - could not hope to earn in a decade?

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  • Author Sonnie Bentley
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    We had a high demand from our customers. We realized that we needed a place to be able to sit down.

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  • Author Sonya Boralv
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    We can't provide any details on the number of searches for stock quotes but can tell you that we have had a lot of user demand for more in-depth financial information. This was one of our most requested features by our users last year.

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