106 Quotes About Dependency


"The definition of freedom is that there is no dependency. Despite having the physical body, one feels no dependency."


"Dependency purges people of their dreams, makes their spirit atrophy, and enslaves them to a lifetime of mediocrity."


"The rich man is always sold to the institution which makes him rich."


"Every wife who slaves to keep herself pretty, to cook her husband's favourite meals, to build up his pride and confidence in himself at the expense of his sense of reality, to be his closest and effectively his only friend, to encourage him to rejectthe consensus of opinionand find reassurance only in her arms is binding her mate to her with hoops of steel that will strangle them both."


"To halve the number of asses that you’re required to kiss: double your dependency on yourself."


"We know that you don't want to be a drunk and you don't want to be hooked on addictive drugs. You do it because you can't cope with your life without some sort of support, even if that support is damaging."


"The external only creates dependency."


"There's been a dependency on Shane with his strike power and the guys have been following up rather than taking the lead."


"People can't stay out of their cars. I do think we have a real problem staying out of our automobiles. We have a real dependency on them, and it may be for more than just transportation."
