106 Quotes About Dependency
"The surest way to be unhappy is to wait for something or somebody to make you happy."
"The greatest feeling of being with you, was the fact that I was no longer left alone with me."
"Make people dependent on you and you can rob them of their freedom, their dignity, their very soul. That's what tyrants do."
"The pattern is inexorable in its degenerative failures. You see it repeated in the systems of slavery, of welfare states, of caste-ridden religions, of socializing bureaucracies--in any system which creates and maintains dependencies. Too long a parasite and you cannot exist without a host."
"Tell me, is there someone in your life who's been sharing your life too closely? A friend or a loved one? Is there someone who's been taking up your time and not giving any of it back?"
"Governments have absolutely no interest in self-reliance. It defeats one of the purposes for their existence. They encourage and thrive on dependency. The more of it they sell, the more necessary they are, and the more power and money they need."
"The punishment for acting helpless is to find yourself at the mercy of others."
"I began to see that while equality often entailed women crossing the sexual divide between women's work and men's work, equality rarely meant that men crossed over the divide to the women's side: our side – women's – the side where work was largely, though not exclusively, unpaid or poorly paid care of dependents."