35 Quotes About Desired


"My unwavering courage, strength and gratitude shows me the path of my desired life."


"He in any form was a drug to the addiction of being desired while she was always wanted."


"Molding your ‘perceived value’ as a sensual woman is all about designing who you would like to be and living the way you want to be desired."


"Persistence drives the achievement of the desired outcome for reality."


"She was lucky to be wanted not desired though, worse pain is the feeling of being unwanted in love."


"As you search for a person, place, or thing, be prepared to continue your quest, should the end result not yield your desired outcome. Enjoy the process and you’ll avoid disappointment…!"


"Before you start, create an idea of how you want it to end so that if it doesn’t end exactly how you wanted it to atleast it will be close to what you desired."


"You would always have undesired people around you but desired one’s are least likely"
