128 Quotes About Devotional
- Author Oswald Chambers
Nothing touches our lives but it is God Himself speaking. Do we discern His hand or only mere occurrence?
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- Author Contessa T. Walker-Jackson
I'm glad I don't look like what I've been through.
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- Author Charles Spurgeon
I must take care above all that I cultivate communion with Christ, for though that can never be the basis of my peace - mark that - yet it will be the channel of it.
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- Author Deborah Brodie
You are only willing to suffer the cost of your dream when you understand the value of your dream.
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- Author Suzanne DeWitt Hall
Certainty ends thought, dismisses questions, and halts further reasoning. Uncertainty invites searching and permits growth. God makes room for ambiguity, and knows there is power in uncertainty." Suzanne DeWitt Hall
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- Author Patti Smith
We waltzed beneath God's point of viewknowing no ending to our rendezvouswe expressed such sweet vows- My Madrigal
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- Author White Om
Bhakti Spurana Programs (BSP)HDH has engineered this program in such a way that it enriches one's emotional well-being. It teaches the language of man’s innermost being, and frees us from the base emotions of lust, fear, greed, anger, greed, envy, etc., bringingequanimity to the mind and deep fulfilment within. This fulfilment takes us beyond our wants into the blissful realm ofservice out of overflowing joy and compassion.
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- Author Samuel Rutherford
God chargeth me to believe His daylight at midnight.
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- Author Phillip Michael Garner
The chasm between God and humanity will be bridged by God's self.
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