449 Quotes About Division

  • Author Georg Feuerstein
  • Quote

    East and West, as well as North and South, need each other. Our species can no longer afford to be self-divided. Our future depends on whether we as individuals and as societies can learn - quickly - from the experiences of the different branches of our single human family, and discover how to live in harmony with one another.

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  • Author Rosalind Coward
  • Quote

    Feminism is still a subject which provokes passion and, it has to be said, unreason. 'Are you for it or against it?' is the most question. But such polarization is now unhelpful, obscuring an understanding of what feminism has achieved, what has changed, and what role gender now actually does play.

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  • Author Carl Sagan
  • Quote

    Every major power has some widely publicized justification for its procurement and stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction, often including a reptilian reminder of the presumed character and cultural defects of potential enemies (as opposed to us stout fellows), or of the intentions of others, but never ourselves, to conquer the world.

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