32 Quotes About Diy
"Члены групп не отличались от публики ни убеждениями, ни, зачастую, мастерством.Панк-рок группы подталкивали других людей к созданию своих собственных групп – это было попыткой разрушить традиционный барьер между исполнителем и публикой. Любой мог быть звездой, и никто ею не был! Все, что нужно было для создания панк-группы – это аппаратура и желание."
"Far from being a homogenous "Big Science," biotechnology is highly diversified and heterogeneous. "The" human genome is not a single database, but a cluster of semi-autonomous databases housed at universities, biotech companies, and independent research institutes. In fact, because any computer user can, if he or she wishes, download the entire genome, "the" human genome is probably more distributed than we can guess.From: "Open source DNA and Bioinformatic Bodies" by Eugene Thacker"
"Before the first snow, I collect fading flowers and petals, leaves, and bark, and make my own potpourri. Once everything is dried, I arrange it in a large glass bowl. I go on to add a few drops of tea tree and cinnamon essential oils. The rich autumn scent carries me through the ice, snow, and below-zero temperatures."
"There is no better insurance than the knowledge of how to do something the right way. There is no greater peace of mind than knowing you did it the right way."
"DIY, cricket, automobile repair. I could study it for a lifetime and not produce a word on the carburettor."