402 Quotes About Domestic-violence
- Author Diana Rasmussen
She looks in the mirrorseems vaguely familiarlike steam on the glassshame covers her pastthe fog slithers downas evil surrounds.
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- Author Diana Rasmussen
Smothered by controla tormented soultrapped in his castleHer tears rolling mistproof she existsin Snow White Darkness.
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- Author Little White Bird
It was never the poverty that deterred me, never the disease, unsanitary conditions, bugs or garbage, those things were never even a thought in my head as a reason for not staying. I kept looking for the good and always found it each day. I was happy on the reservation.It would have all worked out if Chief could have been a little nicer to me. The only thing I was missing was love and respect from my partner. Maybe he had changed.
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- Author Antonella Gambotto-Burke
What does a woman feel when she is hit? My mother slapped me when I was a child - on two occasions, to the point of pure hysteria; I never liked it. Those who are humiliated in such a way learn to disintegrate – that is, they become once removed from pain. This is the most direct route to psychic ruin.
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- Author Sara Niles
In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free. Sara Niles Torn From the Inside Out
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- Author Anthony Liccione
His hands struck her any hour of the day, like hands that strike a clock, whether early, whether late; they strike, they strike.
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- Author Lee Lakeman
Violent men, and men in authority over violent men, and the broader public that authorises those men, are not yet shamed by the harm of coercive control over women ... Maybe we can rest some hope on the growing activity of men of goodwill calling on each other to change. When that group hits a critical mass, the majority of men will be more likely to want to change.
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- Author Sheree' Gay
Children have rights outside their mother's womb without having to be victim's of Domestic Violence inside their mother's womb.
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- Author Sara Niles
In America, it is reported by some sources that there were more domestic violence related murders in the home than the 58,000 Americans soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War
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