248 Quotes About Dumb
"Angels are good not simply because they see bad as bad, but also because they see bad as corny."
"The definition of stupid is the inabilitly to see another side to an argument other than one's own."
"Either Ault was a lot harder than my junior high had been, or I was getting dumber- I suspected both. If I wasn't literally getting dumber, I knew at least that I'd lost the glow that surrounds you when the teachers think you're one of the smart, responsible ones, that glow that shines brighter every time you raise your hand in class to say the perfect thing, or you run out of room in a blue book during an exam and have to ask for a second one."
"It is not in the gene of an Intellectually blinded person to experience the paradise in the writer's imagination."
"There are four categories of questions Emmily asks:1. Can I please go to the bathroom?2. Where is the bathroom?3. Is it okay if I raise my hand and ask a question?4. I don't understand anything you've said in the last thirty minutes. Could you explain it again? Also the last six weeks."
"Colin Winters Rule of Intelligence (CWRI):Think of a person of average intelligence. Half the people are dumber than that."