248 Quotes About Dumb
"Anyhow, many people in the soft sciences are prone to be wrong because they’re crazy** some are dumb, too, but that’s another story."
"Some people’s immaturity is intensified by their stupidity."
"Ours is an overpopulated, under educated, shithole in the throes of mass extinctions - it's a wonderful world."
"If there’s one thing that’s irrefutably absurd, it’s believing that we can separate intelligence from wisdom and still have it be intelligence."
"Bax had learned there weren’t many things a dumb guy liked more than to have someone tell him how smart he was."
"We equate wisdom with intelligence, which is about the same as equating a can opener with a can. If you don’t apply the first to the second, neither of them matter."
"Intelligence without wisdom is a like a car without a steering wheel. You can drive it as long as you don’t consider steering part of driving."