81 Quotes About Dystopian-romance


"Something occurred then, and I felt ashamed that I'd never thought of it before: why women needed someone to love and protect them at all. Why did I naturally think that way? Because women have been oppressed and demoralized and viewed the subordinates of men since humans crawled their ways out of the primordial sludge."


"Something needed to change—no, everything needed to change. I didn't want to live in a world like that. Why did men still rule the world, anyway? What gave them the right to treat women like meat and slaves and baby factories? It angered me the more I thought about it—it infuriated me."


"And what good are strong hands if the mind that controls them is broken?"


"And in my heart I know I'll love you long after the sun dies and takes the world with it."


"Because in the end, it didn't matter the god's name, or the name of the religion—the work was the same, and every Faith a religion of peace. And, perhaps, unbeknownst to the people who worshipped Them, they were all the same God, too, speaking to them in tongues they understood, revealing Himself to them in ways they could relate. Different. But the same."


"I choose to leave the city with you, and I chose to trust your judgement with the family at the farm. I've chosen you every step of the way, every breath, with every bit of my broken heart and my broken soul, and I choose you now, and tomorrow, and every day after it!"


"I SEE MY SAVIOR! I see a man not a fucking monster!-who risks his life every day for mine! A man who I can't live without in this world! I see a man who I love and cherish and who loves and cherishes me even though he doesn't say it. And I don't regret giving myself to you! I WILL NEVER REGRET IT!"


"I don't deserve you, but you mean everything to me. I would do anything for you, absolutely anything, and nothing you could ever do or say to me will ever change that."


"Thais, I would stain the rivers red with blood of a thousandmen for you—I would do anything for you."
