43 Quotes About Economic-growth


"The more Africa depends on aid the less opportunities it creates for its people"


"We will only secure a prosperous, peaceful and liveable planet if we harness economic growth and development to social solidarity across and between generations."


"But now, digital technology was to return the Nasdaq to its former glory and beyond."


"The current economic system distributes wealth in a very focused manner that prevents a vast majority of humans from being adequately rewarded by the technologically advanced civilization. These factors undoubtedly condemn today’s system of suboptimal economics to the realm of classical models of history as a result of impending obsolescence. In brief, the current faltering economic model is suboptimal, hinders economic growth, and is not sustainable going forward."


"We begin with the proposition that capitalism is not chiefly an incentive system but an information system. We continue with the recognition, explained by the most powerful science of the epoch, that information is best defined as surprised-what we cannot predict rather than what we can. The key to economic growth is not acquisition of things by the pursuit of monetary rewards but the expansion of wealth through learning and discovery."


"Ours is an age of systematized irrelevances, and the imbecile within us has become one of the Titans, upon whose shoulders rests the weight of the social and economic system."


"One cannot have economic growth without security."
