39 Quotes About Ed

  • Author Calvin W. Allison
  • Quote

    A new frame with an unfilled image appeared in Ed’s train of thought above a mental fireplace where wonder moved like an electrical current through wiring of expectancy where he visualized grateful park walks on productive vacations where vocabulary escalated into meaningful discussions while exercising a somewhat out of shape courtesy—so to strengthen a mannerismthat was adequate for a lovely female.

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  • Author RxAdam
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    Thanks to science, baldness can now be optional. ED? Optional. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it for sure. But let’s work not to break it in the first place. Prevention. More effective than denial. For hair loss and erectile dysfunction.

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  • Author Jenni Schaefer
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    When you feel like you would rather die than live another day with an eating disorder, know that I used to feel that way too. Search deep inside yourself for the part that wants to live,

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  • Author Sarah Darer Littman
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    But who am I if I'm not Janie the bulimic? Bulimia has become so much a part of me that I can't remember what it felt like not to purge. It's been this secret that I have hidden from my parents and my friends (well, except for Nancy) and the rest of the world. It's the way I can let off the pressure of always feeling like I'm not smart enough, I'm not thin enough, not pretty enough, not funny enough, just plain not enough enough.

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