84 Quotes About Educational-system

  • Author Anna Fores
  • Quote

    Un aprendizaje o memorización que dura poco y se olvida con rapidez: los exámenes. Para ellos estudiamos los últimos días, de forma intensa. Después de ellos, se difumina el aprendizaje, pues las conexiones entre neuronas no se han reforzado ni establecido de forma permanente, ya que no hay conexiones entre las diferentes áreas cerebrales implicadas.

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  • Author Michael A. Rebell
  • Quote

    Whenever judges of the highest state courts have actually examined the details of the "savage inequalities" that continue to be imposed on most low-income and minority students in the United States, they have virtually unanimously held that these conditions deny students the opportunity to be educated at the basic levels that are needed to function well in contemporary society.

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  • Author John Cage
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    Valda said that if you change your residence every six months you can legally free your children from compulsory education.

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  • Author Hillary Rodham Clinton
  • Quote

    Bear this research in mind when you listen to those who argue that our nation cannot afford to implement comprehensive early education programs for disadvantaged children and their families. If we as a village decide not to help families develop their children's brains, then at least let us admit that we are acting not on the evidence but according to a different agenda. And let us acknowledge that we are not using all the tools at our disposal to better the lives of our children.

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