146 Quotes About Edward-cullen

  • Author Stephenie Meyer
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    I wondered why the change. The only explanation I could think of was that she wanted her hair to look nice. And as the person she planned to see tomorrow was me, that meant she must have wanted it to look nice for me.Maybe I was wrong. But if I was right...how exasperating! How endearing! Her life had never been in deeper peril, but she still cared that I, the very menace threatening her life, liked her appearance.

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  • Author Stephenie Meyer
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    Would I drag them away, out of her sight, and leave her alone here? It was a long shot that another psychopath would be prowling the streets of Port Angeles tonight, but it was a long shot that there was even a first! Here was proof positive that I was not insane-like a magnet, she drew all things dangerous toward herself. If I were not close enough to provide it, some other evil would take my place.

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  • Author Stephenie Meyer
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    She drove herself around in this antique monstrosity daily and nothing bad ever happened to her. Of course , the bad things seemed to wait until I was there to be their horrified witness. My expression must have led her to believe I was upset about the arrangement.

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  • Author Stephenie Meyer
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    —No tengas miedo —le susurré—. Somos como una sola persona.De pronto me abrumó la realidad de mis palabras. Ese momento era tan perfecto, tan auténtico. No dejaba lugar a dudas.  Me rodeó con los brazos, me estrechó contra él y hasta la última de mis terminaciones nerviosas cobró vida propia.—Para siempre —concluyó él y después nos sumergimos suavemente en el agua profunda.•Isla Esme, pág. 102

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  • Author Stephenie Meyer
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    —¿Te vas? —preguntó Edward, imperturbable. Aquella compostura suya era totalmente artificial. Estrechó a Renesmee un poco más contra el pecho. —Sí, sólo faltan unas cosillas de última hora... —contesté con despreocupación. Me dedico una sonrisa, mi favorita. —Vuelve pronto. —Siempre. • Fin de plazo, pág. 725

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  • Author Stephenie Meyer
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    —Entonces, ¿no hay esperanza? —susurró Carlisle. La voz no delataba miedo alguno, sólo resolución y resignación. —Siempre hay esperanza —contesté en voz baja. Eso podría ser verdad, dije para mis adentros—. Sólo conozco mi propio destino. Edward me tomó de la mano, sabedor de que estaba incluido en él. No hacía falta precisar que me refería a los dos cuando hablaba de «mi destino». Nosotros eramos dos partes de un todo. • Argucias, pág. 788

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