70 Quotes About Egalitarianism


"When one Naskar dies, a thousand Naskars will rise up to take the place. They will stand up wherever there is bigotry, they will stand up wherever there is discrimination, they will stand up wherever there are injustice and inequality, they will stand up wherever there are oppression and segregation. Naskar is not a person, Naskar is an idea."


"Nothing is higher than the humans, not the government, not the politics, not the nation, and not even the constitution, for all of these, are human constructs, and no human construct is flawless."


"Geography is not egalitarian."


"I urge to you my dear sibling, do not make an ideology out of me, instead take the good of my ideas that appeal to you and put them to practice in the path of collective harmonious progress."


"My good friends, things cannot go on well in England, nor ever will until everything shall be in common, when there shall be neither vassal nor lord, and all distinctions levelled; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves. How ill they have used us!"


"Equality makes everyone into a prostitute for social influence points, or status. This leads them to become entirely self-serving, independent of their actual role in civilization, and this leads to a mixture of arrogance, pretense, narcissism and solipsism which is the defining feature of the person in the egalitarian society."


"Not woman, not man, not the non-binary,no gender is able enough to sustain progress and harmony.To make sure that we grow and stand tall with dignity,all humans, no matter the gender, must rise together with humanity."


"Rights are nobody's ancestral possession to be gifted to you - you must manifest them in your footsteps and turn yourself into an indomitable, humane and titanic force of nature."
