79 Quotes About End-of-life
- Author Lisa J. Shultz
Without guidance and support for patients and families approaching death, there may be unnecessary conflict, confusion, and trauma that linger long after the passing of a loved one.
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- Author Kate McGahan
So many people say they put their pets 'down' when they are really lifting them up.
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- Author Andrei Platonov
Şimdi ırgat, Onega Gölü'nün kıyısında, suyun ve toprağın kıyısında dikilmekteydi. Yaşamının sonuna vardığını hissetmişti; bundan sonra da var olunabilirdi ama evvelce duyulmamış bir haber gelmezdi artık -ne mutluluğa, ne yoksulluğa dair. Yüreği her ikisinin de sınırlarını biliyordu.(Lobskaya Dağı / Muhteşem Vahşi Dünya)
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- Author Atul Gawande
He moved his line in the sand. This is what it means to have autonomy -- you may not control life's circumstances, but getting to be the author of your life means getting to control what you do with them.
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- Author Stewart Stafford
When your life flashes before your eyes at the end, make sure it's a good movie you're watching.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
A paradigm shift of viewing palliative care or hospice as a gift instead of seeing it as giving up has the potential to change the way we experience advanced age.
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- Author Mitch Albom
Ted," he said, "when all this started, I asked myself, 'Am I going to withdraw from the world, like most people do, or am I going to live?" I decided I'm going to live-or at least try to live-the way I want, with dignity, with courage, with humor, with composure.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
I believe it’s imperative to bring the light of support and knowledge to patients and families when death is approaching.
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- Author Lisa J. Shultz
When I reflect on the stories of death supported by hospice care and contrast it with our story depicting an absence of support, I find myself dealing with envy and anger. I have channeled those emotions into this book with the hope that hearing our story might give someone else a chance to create a better ending to the life of a loved one.
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