61 Quotes About Endeavor


"Not speaks one who spoke,There speaks one who wilt speak,May another find what he will speak!Not a teller of tales after they happen.This has been done before ;Nor a teller of what might be said,This is vain endeavor, it is lies.And none will recall his name to others.I say this in accord with what I have seen:From the first generation to those who come after,They imitate that which is past."


"A positive anything however small is something towards your goal. It's better than nothing."


"Looking backwardsHas never been my endeavorLost passions… bruised emotionsNever distressed me."


"When we feel fractured, redundant and nonessential, only bouncing back from lowliness may brighten up the story of our life. In this endeavor, “otherness” might lend a helping hand in making the road less parching. (“He did not know that she knew”)"


"All endeavors, heroic or monstrous, scientific or philosophical, rise from the electrochemical functioning of the mind, that takes place relentlessly in the little specks of protoplasm inside the head. These specks of jelly inside the brain, known as the neurons, determine our identity, personality and everything that we are."


"At this age, all we need to do is to "WAIT" in our love life.Set your priorities, Endeavor your goals!"


"Impossible? Utopic? Sure! But for how long? Can any human endeavor be eternally impossible or utopic ? A time factor should be integrated to every affirmation of utopia, or else the people affirming that would only be affirming that they are not the ones who can make it happen."
