38 Quotes About Epic-romantic-fantasy


"The warlord pierces me with a hard stare. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.""Or no way, " I retort."


"Make a decision, and don't turn back.""What if it's wrong?""I don't know." He winks at me over his shoulder. "It's never happened."


"I huff. Sort of. “Well, would Your Logicalness care to take me to breakfast and tell me about his plans?” … “Would your Nakedness care to get dressed first?” he asks."


"I will never let you go, and I will never leave you. I would defy creatures, and Gods, and terrible, brutal queens to keep you safe and by my side. I would move Mount Olympus itself to hold you in my arms and feel your heart beat against mine. You are my soul, and yes, I will fight for you and protect you until my dying breath."


"Master Fellows surprised Ellysetta with an unexpected compliment. "You have a natural regal grace, my lady, and it has been the greatest of pleasures to teach you. Just remember, while some part of you may always be Ellie, the woodcarver's daughter, you are also Lady Ellysetta, the Tairen Soul's queen." He bowed and kissed her hand. "At the palace tonight, let Ellysetta reign."


"He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, a tender gesture that made her heart melt. "Come. Let us dance the skies together."


"There's not a Fey warrior born who does not dream of finding his truemate, so at night, after my parents went to bed, I would sneak out of the shellaba and lie beneath the stars and ask the gods if they could somehow find a way to give a tairen a truemate."


"All great gifts come with a great price," Bel murmured."


"And perhaps pigs will grow gills and swim with the kracken."
