38 Quotes About Epic-romantic-fantasy
"Mama always used to say it's better to choke on a bitter truth than savor a honeycake lie."
"There are no fates I cannot change, but this fate is one I cannot change without you. You are my strength, Rain. You are the courage I've always lacked." He gave a choked laugh, and tears glittered in his eyes. "If I am your courage, then why does this idea of yours leave me so frightened?"
"Shei'tani... wilt thou swim with thy beloved in a river of dreams?"
"Every Fey warrior and shei'dalin born in the Fading Lands learns very early in life that, like it or not - fair or not - there will be many days when they must decide between a bad choice and a worse one. Today is such a day."
"Lord Hawksheart said we should stay together," she reminded him. ' Do not leave your mate's side,' he said. 'You hold each other to the Light,' he said. And he said we could only defeat the Darkness together." "He said many things. Most of which I don't trust." The safest place for me is at your side. Whatever happens, we face it together." His eyes closed and he nodded. "Doreh Shabeila de." So shall it be."
"To a man standing on the eve of battle, even false hope is better than none."
"You are a force rarely born to a world, something we Elves call leinah thaniel, the Song that sings all Songs, the Mirror that shows all Mirrors, the Change that changes everything."
"There is no 'meant to be' for you. There is only 'choose to be.' So choose wisely, Ellysetta Erimea. Much depends on it."