66 Quotes About Epidemic
- Author Kevin Ansbro
Disregard the coronavirus as you would a cannibal kissing your face.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Helping those in need is not charity, it's humanity.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
This virus is shrewd in its camouflage and unabashed in its cruelty.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
Aloneness seems to be the greatest byproduct of this invisible enemy for whether or not a person has been infected the condition is one of separation, a self-imposed isolation. Be it out of fear or guilt you are expected to stop your life in its tracks and confine yourself willingly and against all natural instincts to the walls that house you.
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- Author Aysha Taryam
One dares to say that only a pandemic of this scale could have slowed down the rat race yet this too will prove beneficial to some of us and a sheer torture to others for the mirror that COVID-19 has forced us to look into is one that has no cracks, it reflects reality in its harshest form and unless we truly look, and come out the other side changed human beings, all this agony would have been for nothing.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
These are not ordinary times where we play politics and juggle with the safety of the society. These are the times that demand prompt decisions and utter responsibility towards not just the self but our kind – the humankind.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
I urge you not to buy my books right now, instead use that money to help someone in need. Philosophy can wait, but humanity cannot.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
While you are chilling at home during self-isolation with netflix or youtube, there are people across the world who have no clue how to make ends meet. So please, I beg you, each time you share this statement, make sure to donate some money, no matter how little, to those in need either personally or through a covid relief fund.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
In this midst of this catastrophe, more than looking in to find serenity we need to look out for one another to practice humanity.
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