119 Quotes About Epiphany

  • Author Lecrae Moore
  • Quote

    It was as if everything slowed down, and I really took a hard look at where my life was. I thought this was everything I wanted. I thought this would keep my empty tank filled up with joy. But in that moment, the only thought in my head was Is this it? Is this all I have to look forward to for my life?

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  • Author Ray Bradbury
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    And what lights the sun? Its own fire. And the sun goes on, day after day, burning and burning. The sun and time. The sun and time and burning. Burning. The river bobbled him along gently. Burning. The sun and every clock on the earth. It all came together and became a single thing in his mind. After a long time of floating on the land and a short time of floating in the river he knew why he must never burn again in his life.

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  • Author Gunter Grass
  • Quote

    Though I knew that this tangle consisting by turns of Mama and Jan or Matzerath and Mama – sighing, straining, then moaning in exhaustion, falling apart, trailing sticky threads – meant love, Oskar still couldn't believe that love was love, and moved by love sought other loves, yet always returned to that same tangle-love, hated that love till he'd practised that love himself and was forced to defend it in his own eyes as the only true and possible love.

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