172 Quotes About Epistemology
"Biology taught me that a field undergoing development should be investigated always from the viewpoint of its past development. Who today would study anatomy without embryology? In exactly the same way epistemology without historical and comparative investigations is no more than an empty play on words or an epistemology of the imagination."
"Plato said that we are trapped inside a cave and know the world only through the shadows it casts on the wall. The skull is our cave, and mental representations are the shadows."
"I, is the most valuable possession of human being, a courtesy of consciousness; explore and cherish it."
"Often, being in awareness and being in despair coincide."
"Certainty is the most vivid condition of ignorance and the most necessarycondition for knowledge."
"Despite how certainty feels, it is neither a conscious choice nor even a thought process. Certainty and similar states of "knowing what we know" arise out of involuntary brain mechanisms that, like love or anger, function independently of reason."
"The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next."
"The obvious can sometimes be illuminating when perceived in an unhabitual way."
"The final discovery is the discovery of knowledge."