257 Quotes About Essay
- Author Michel de Montaigne
Nature a, (ce crains-je) elle mesme attaché à l'homme quelque instinct à l'inhumanité
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- Author Oscar Wilde
Shakespeare appreciated the value of lovely costumes in adding picturesqueness to poetry, but he saw how important costume is as a means of producing certain dramatic effects.
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- Author Aldo Leopold
Land, then, is not merely soil; it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants, and animals. … When a change occurs in one part of the circuit, many other parts must adjust themselves to it. …Evolutionary changes, however, are usually slow and local. Man’s invention of tools has enabled him to make changes of unprecedented violence, rapidity and scope.
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- Author George Orwell
Empire– in essence nothing but mechanisms for exploiting coloured labor.
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- Author Nurullah AtaƧ
Bir kişi olarak ilk ödevimiz, yalan olduğunu anladığımız düşüncelerden benzerlerimizi, yani bütün kişileri kurtarmaya çalışmaktır. ''Ben bunun yalan olduğunu biliyorum, ben buna inanmıyorum ama kamunun bu bağlar altında kalması, onun anlamaması daha iyi olur.'' diyen kimse öğrendiği, anladığı doğrulara layık olmayan kimsedir. İnandığı bir şey yoktur onun; bir şeyin ne doğru olduğunu düşünür ne de yalan olduğunu... Ancak kendini düşünür, kendini büyük görmek için bir yol arar.
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- Author Michel de Montaigne
Folly is a bad quality; but not to be able to endure it, to fret and vex at it, as I do, is another sort of disease little less troublesome than folly itself; and is the thing that I will now accuse in myself.
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- Author Joseph Brodsky
We have, all of us, more reasons for staying than for marching. What's the point in marching if you are only going to catch up with a very sad tune?
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- Author T. W. Adorno
Instead of achieving something scientifically, or creating something artistically, the effort of the essay reflects a childlike freedom that catches fire, without scruple, on what others have already done.
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- Author Mary Oliver
Are the roses not also--even as the owl is--excessive? Each flower is small and lovely, but in their sheer and silent abundance the roses become an immutable force, as though the work of the wild roses was to make sure that all of us, who come wandering over the sand, may be, for a while, struck to the heart and saturated with a simple joy.
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