133 Quotes About Essays

  • Author Alexander Chee
  • Quote

    I was by now used to people being surprised by me and my background, and their surprise offended me. I was always having to be what I was looking for in the world, wishing the person I would become already existed — some other I before me. I was forever finding even the tiniest way to identify with someone to escape how empty the world seemed to be of what I was.

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  • Author Shelley Brown
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    23. I come from a worried people. These people worry and are overly cautious. The worried people are very suggestive and read the side effects on every medication to make sure they experience all of them, even the side effects experienced by the placebo people. If it only happens in males, my female people will figure out a way to have that side effect, too. My people worry out of love, though.

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  • Author Nino Gugunishvili
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    We’re washing hands and staying home, socially distanced, and self-isolated. We’re frightened. We’re uncertain. We’re lost, we’re panicking, we’re grieving, we’re hoping, we’re following news from all over the world, we’re optimistic, we’re pessimistic, it’s here, right at our doors, behind our backs, in front of us, reachable, tangible, dangerous, real, yet controllable.

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  • Author Mariam Khan
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    Dissecting the rishta sites quickly becomes me and Fiz's favorite pastime. 'Look at this one, Fiz, look at this one. "i am looking for simple, obedient girl." Vom!' 'Why doesn't he just advertise for a chief chapati maker and be done with it.' 'I know, right! This guy says "only virgin!", "no party girls!" He also loves exclamation marks.' 'Translation: I can't be with a woman who has met other men because then she'll know how rubbish I am.

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  • Author Michael Vito Tosto
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    If there was one message I could be known for in the years and centuries after I’m gone, one message for which I’m remembered, if I am remembered at all, it would be the urgent bulletin I’m delivering right here and now: where you are now and what you are now—at this precise moment—is absolutely, one hundred percent okay… and accepting yourself right now for who and what and where you are is not only your best bet, it’s your only bet.

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  • Author Michel de Montaigne
  • Quote

    Had I been placed among those nations which are said to live still in the sweet freedom of nature's first laws, I assure you I should very gladly have portrayed myself here entire and wholly naked.Thus, reader, I am myself the matter of my book; you would be unreasonable to spend your leisure on so frivolous and vain a subject.

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