107 Quotes About Ethics-and-moral-philosophy

  • Author Christopher Rankin
  • Quote

    I got tired of constantly watching shrewd little bullies like you walk around like you mean something, like you’re better than the people that make your life possible, like you were born entitled to run the world. And I should confess, Mr. Bunting, that I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun as I’ve had helping to destroy your silly little empire.

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  • Author Giorgio Roversi
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    The undermining of Christian faith, systematically pursued by Western cultural and political elites, does not lead to some sort of secular Utopia with its own “neutral” morality, but to the rise of religious beliefs other than Christianity, which will bring their own – often opposite - moral values. On the clean slate of atheism anything can be written, even sharia law.

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  • Author David Benatar
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    Life's big questions are big in the sense that they are momentuous. However, contrary to appearances, they are not big in the sense of being unanswerable. It is only that the answers are generally unpalatable. There is no great mystery, but there is plenty of horror.

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  • Author John Gray
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    Science enables humans to satisfy their needs. It does nothing to change them. They are no different today from what they have always been. There is progress in knowledge, but not in ethics. This s the verdict both of science and history, and the view of every one of the world's religions.

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