701 Quotes About Europe

  • Author Amor Towles
  • Quote

    Jazz seemed like a naturally gregarious force--one that was a little unruly and prone to say the first thing that popped into its head, but generally of good humour and friendly intent. In addition, it seemed decidedly unconcerned with where it had been or where it was going--exhibiting somehow simultaneously the confidence of the master and the inexperience of the apprentice. Was there any wonder that such an art had failed to originate in Europe?

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  • Author Kishore Mahbubani
  • Quote

    Given the challenges this presents, if the Europeans, like the Australians, want to give priority to their own existential challenges (which result from their geography), they should focus on the economic and social development of Africa. The best partner to work with to develop Africa is China. Indeed, China has already emerged as the largest new economic partner of Africa.

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  • Author Bruno JasieƄski
  • Quote

    Dziś zresztą role nasze się zmieniają. Wasza żarłoczna Europa zdycha, jak klacz, która złamała nogę przed ostatnią przeszkodą. Zdycha, nie zdążywszy pożreć wszystkiego, ze zdławionym od zbytniej łapczywości przełykiem. Nie jest to przypadek, że zarazą, która ją dobija, jest dżuma, nasza stara azjatycka znajoma.

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  • Author George Orwell
  • Quote

    The English will never develop into a nation of philosophers. They will always prefer instinct to logic and character to intelligence. But they must get rid of their downright contempt for 'cleverness'. They cannot afford it any longer. They must grow less tolerant of ugliness, and mentally more adventurous. And they must stop despising foreigners. They are Europeans and ought to be aware of it.

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  • Author Douglas Murray
  • Quote

    Efforts to silence the people who raised their voice – whether through violence, intimidation or the courts – meant that three decades after the Rushdie affair there was almost no one in Europe who would dare write a novel, compose a piece of music or even draw an image that might risk Muslim anger. Indeed, they ran in the other direction. Politicians and almost everybody else went out of their way to show how much they admired Islam.

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  • Author Douglas Murray
  • Quote

    As Dr Tino Sanandaji has pointed out, it costs more for 3,000 migrants to be housed in temporary accommodation tents in Sweden than it does to fund outright the largest refugee camp in Jordan (housing around 100,000 Syrian refugees).

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