3,115 Quotes About Evil

  • Author Daniel Abraham
  • Quote

    We did an evil thing, father.""What do you think war is? We're men. Not boys swinging sticks at each other and pronouncing the evil wizard's defeat. We do what duty and honor demand, and often what we do is terrible.

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  • Author Peter Ackroyd
  • Quote

    This mundus tenebrosus, this shaddowy world of Mankind, is sunk into Night; there is not a Field without its Spirits, nor a City without its Daemons, and the Lunaticks speak Prophesies while the Wise men fall into the Pitte.

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  • Author Barbara Marciniak
  • Quote

    Many of you would like to take evil and step on it, destroying it like you would a bug. Squish, smash! Begone into another reality! This practice of eliminating human life because it is perceived as evil does you no good. In the end your history and experience are filled with war of one kind or another; humans fighting one another for the right to speak their truth and share their perception.And one human or another is always wanting to suppress someone else's ideas, someone else's thinking.

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  • Author St. John of Kronstadt
  • Quote

    Every man on earth is sick with the fever of sin, with the blindness of sin and is overcome with its fury. As sins consist mostly of malice and pride, it is necessary to treat everyone who suffers from the malady of sin with kindness and love. This is an important truth, which we often forget. Very often we act in the opposite manner: we add malice to malice by our anger, we oppose pride with pride. Thus, evil grows within us and does not decrease; it is not cured – rather it spreads

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  • Author Jaume Cabré
  • Quote

    Το να σκοτώνεις στο όνομα του Θεού ή στο όνομα του μέλλοντος είναι το ίδιο. Όταν η αιτία είναι κάποια ιδεολογία, η ενσυναίσθηση και η συμπόνεια εξαφανίζονται. Σκοτώνουμε ψυχρά, δίχως να επηρεάζεται η συνείδηση, σαν το αδικαιολόγητο έγκλημα ενός ψυχοπαθούς.

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  • Author Erich Maria Remarque
  • Quote

    Graeber sah das zufriedene, harmlose Gesicht, und plötzlich, wie mit einem Schlage, erkannte er die Hoffnungslosigkeit, zu der Gerechtigkiet und Mitgefühl ewig verurteilt waren: immer wieder an Selbstsucht, Gleichgültigkeit und Angst zu stranden, - er erkannte es, und er erkannte auch, dass er selber nicht ausgenommen davon war, dass auch er darin verstrickt war, in einer anonymen, fernen und drohenden Weise, als gehörten er und Binding irgendwie zusammen, so sehr er sich auch dagegen wehrte.

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  • Author Anne Perry
  • Quote

    You do not need to believe evil, only to use its methods. You will get accustomed to them, until eventually they are not your last choice, but your first. For awhile, you can justify it to yourself, and then eventually you will not bother. You have forgotten what you are fighting for; now winning is the only objective! And the more you win, the more you justify it, until the whole idea of right and wrong disappears and only winning matters.

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