94 Quotes About Evolving

  • Author Barbara De Angelis
  • Quote

    If you look around you at the physical universe, you will see that it's nature is growth. Everything from the cells in your body to the planets orbiting the sun are constantly growing, constantly changing, constantly evolving. Nothing stays still. Nothing remains the same. So think about it - why would your life be the exception? Why would you be the only thing that exists in all of creation whose purpose isn't to grow?

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  • Author Paul Valéry
  • Quote

    L'éducation ne se borne pas à l'enfance et à l'adolescence. L'enseignement ne se limite pas à l'école. Toute la vie, notre milieu est notre éducation, et un éducateur à la fois sévère et dangereux. Learning transcends childhood and adolescence just as teaching transcends the classroom. Our environment is the most strict and dangerous educator we will ever have.

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  • Author D.H. Lawrence
  • Quote

    She was to be content to weave a steady life with him, all one fabric, but perhaps brocaded with the occasional flower of an adventure. But how could she know what she would feel next year? How could one ever know? How could one say Yes? for years and years? The little yes, gone on a breath! Why should one be pinned down by that butterfly word? Of course it had to flutter away and be gone, to be followed by other yes's and no's! Like the straying of butterflies.

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