1,154 Quotes About Exercise


"Your body is the most complete and miraculous piece of gym equipment you’ll ever need."


"The original meaning of the word resolution means to “break into parts.” Think about that as you make your New Year’s resolutions. Break the big ones down. Break the little ones down. Every step is a victory. Don’t you dare wait until the finish line to celebrate. Life happens along the journey, not just at the finish line."


"Stay healthy so that you can use your wealth to buy pleasures and not painkillers."


"Weight loss is about learning to let go. Let go of the unhealthy food, the unproductive habits, the worn routines, and even the people that want to hold you down. You weren’t born to stay in one place. You were born to move. So, let go of anyone and anything that wants to stop you."


"Sometimes the steepest, most challenging and most rewarding paths in life are not meant to be walked, but crawled."


"The weight you life is not nearly as heavy as the weigh you carry."


"There’s almost no evidence in literature to suggest that resistance training alters energy expenditure outside of the exercise session, significant enough to induce weight / fat /inches loss. This is especially true in younger men, or in women across all age groups. And as such, the notion that resistance training causes weight / fat / inches loss appears to be a myth and is perhaps the best kept secret in the fitness industrial complex!"
