370 Quotes About Expectation

  • Author Akiroq Brost
  • Quote

    You can predict only one outcome with certainty: Everything will change. Every other preconception you may have about what could or will happen will just serve to color your experience. Follow intent with action. Do your best. Allow yourself to be. Go with the flow. Most importantly: Allow yourself to enjoy the journey.

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  • Author Anita B. Sulser PhD
  • Quote

    o not preoccupy yourself with wants or expectations. The world won't abide by the standards, you set in any case, whether you set them too low or too high. It will break them every time for the simple fact that our true essence has no desire, hope or expectation for anything. It has no selfish inclinations of any kind. Everything, it experiences, is a passing phase, not its real identity.

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  • Author W. Somerset Maugham
  • Quote

    Its like reproaching someone who has no ear for music because he's bored at a symphony concert. Is it fair to blame me because you ascribed to me qualities that I hadn't got? I never tried to deceive you by pretending I was anything I wasn't. I was just pretty and gay. You don't ask for a pearl necklace or a sable coat at a booth in a fair; you ask for a tin trumpet and a toy balloon.

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  • Author Arnold Hauser
  • Quote

    The most inexplicable paradox of the work of art is that it seems to exist for itself and yet not for itself; that it addresses itself to a concrete, historically and sociologically conditioned public, but seems, at the same time, to want to have no knowledge at all of a public.

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  • Author Beth O'Leary
  • Quote

    Look,' he says, 'have you ever looked forward to reading a book so much you can't actually start it?''Oh totally. All the time - if I had a grain of self-restraint I never would've been able to read the last Harry Potter book. The anticipation was painful. You know like what if it does live up to the last ones? What if it's not what I hope it'll be?

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