177 Quotes About Expert
- Author Amit Kalantri
A true professional not only follows but loves the processes, policies and principles set by his profession.
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- Author Richie Norton
If everyone waited to become an expert before starting, no one would become an expert. To become an EXPERT, you must have EXPERIENCE. To get EXPERIENCE, you must EXPERIMENT! Stop waiting. Start stuff.
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- Author Amit Kalantri
You can be extraordinary in anything but not in everything.
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- Author Steven Magee
It is through electromagnetic radiation research that I have become a world leading expert on insane masturbators.
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- Author Johann Baptist Metz
Tema 'Boga' ne dispenzira teologa od njegove biografije. To ga razlikuje od stručnjaka koji se bavi znanošću o religiji.
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- Author Michael Bassey Johnson
It is not what we pretend to love, but what we really love, that makes a way for us.
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- Author Steven Magee
When I was at school, I never thought that I would become an expert on insane masturbators.
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- Author Steven Magee
Anyone can claim to be an expert in the world of the internet comments section.
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- Author Frank Bruni
Although the Internet could be making all of us smarter, it makes many of us stupider, because it's not just a magnet for the curious. It's a sinkhole for the gullible. It renders everyone an instant expert. You have a degree? Well, I did a Google search!
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