219 Quotes About Exploitation
- Author H.L. Mencken
Government today is growing too strong to be safe. There are no longer any citizens in the world there are only subjects. They work day in and day out for their masters they are bound to die for their masters at call. Out of this working and dying they tend to get less and less.
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- Author Karl Marx
Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
Veganism is an act of nonviolent defiance. It is our statement that we reject the notion that animals are things and that we regard sentient nonhumans as moral persons with the fundamental moral right not to be treated as the property or resources of humans.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
Ethical veganism represents a commitment to nonviolence.
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- Author Eugene Victor Debs
In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.
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- Author Gary L. Francione
To say that a being who is sentient has no interest in continuing to live is like saying that a being with eyes has no interest in continuing to see. Death—however “humane”—is a harm for humans and nonhumans alike.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
You cannot live a nonviolent life as long as you are consuming violence. Please consider going vegan.
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- Author GaryLFrancione
Speciesism is morally objectionable because, like racism, sexism, and heterosexism, it links personhood with an irrelevant criterion. Those who reject speciesism are committed to rejecting racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of discrimination as well.
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- Author Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The question is not whether or not someone in your life is using you, but how are they using you.
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